Glass Partition For Bedroom

Glass Partition For Bedroom

Glass partitions often take up less physical and visual space than concrete walls, giving your home a sense of airiness and openness as a result—a great option for people with small spaces, or if you like the open concept look. For inspiration, we check out these homes that have done it right with glass partitions.

1. A Study in Glass

Glass partitions are perfect for demarcating a space that is set aside for a home office or study. They offer privacy so you don't get distracted by the noise or activities outside the workzone, but still offer plenty of light and openness for better productivity.

Design: 19EightyThree in collaboration with Bowerman

2. Elegant in Black

This walk-in wardrobe set inside the bedroom is enclosed with black-tinted glass, which not only lends a classier vibe than conventional clear glass, but also offers more modesty when changing clothes.

Design: Absolook ID

3. Working Out in Style

There's no need to head down to the gym when you've got one right in the comfort of your home. Turn up the style factor of your home gym by using glass partitions instead of solid walls. The openness will make you feel less boxed in when working out.

Design: Design Zage

4. Slender Lines

With its earliest beginnings in industrial-themed homes, black-framed glass dividers are now seen in a wide range of interior design styles. With thinner frames like these ones, they offer up a chic, minimalist look that can make all the difference to your space.

Design: Fifth Avenue Interior

5. Funky Frames

This one-bedroom apartment shows that there's no need to stick with the standard black frames for your glass partitions. In line with the home's bright hues, the designer opted for a vibrant blue framed glass divider to demarcate the bedroom from the rest of the space.

Loft style window frames

Design: The Scientist

6. Spinning About

Swivel glass doors are all the rage this year, putting an alternative spin to things! We love the wooden frames in these ones, which pay tribute to the soothing woody feel seen in this home.

Design: Story of Us

7. Retro Glass Blocks

If you like things a bit nostalgic, consider using old-school glass blocks as a partition for your space. Here, they mark where the common bathroom is in this resale HDB flat. Seen from the outside, it adds a pretty, yet unassuming, focal point for the kitchen.

Design: Three-D Conceptwerke

8. Pet Sanctuary

As pet owners, there are times when there's a need to confine your furry friends. Rather than have them in standard cages where they may feel neglected or locked up, having a reasonably sized glass enclosure like this can serve as a good solution. Not only is there enough space for them to move about, you will also get to keep an eye on them while you get busy.

Design: Rezt & Relax Interior

9. Coloured Panes

Vibrantly hued embossed glass panes reflect the colours seen in the rest of this cheery HDB flat. But they are more than just a pretty face, serving to close off the kitchen from the living room when there's cooking taking place.

Design: Free Space Intent

10. Bi-Fold Simplicity

In another kitchen, frameless bi-fold glass panels installed atop the countertop set the cooking space apart in this modern home. When closed, it helps to contain the cooking fumes and grease. When opened, the full width of the counter can be used, doubling as a a less formal dining spot.

Design: Monocot

11. Corrugated for Privacy

This minimalist monochrome bedroom is enclosed behind a glass partition made up of corrugated glass panels, lending textural interest as much as affording privacy in the sleeping quarters.

Design: Third Avenue Studio

12. Dual Purpose

Instead of having two separate glass partitions for the two different zones in this home, the designer went with just one to save space. The flexible glass partition can be moved across the two spaces—the kitchen and the open-concept bedroom/living room, depending on the needs of the occupants.

Design: The Merry Men Interiors

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Glass Partition For Bedroom


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